18 November 2013

Who Is In Charge Of Your Schedule?

The last two weeks have been somewhat chaotic in my home. My family and I are trying to get settled into our new season of life; mom working outside the home, hubby working a second job, and still homeschooling the two blessings. Our days seem to run together and our schedule holds little time for fun. However, our schedule is not controlled by us, but by Him.

The hubby and I were talking this week and we were talking about how our schedules are busy but yet He gives us a day of nothing. Nothing on the calendar for that day. Last week it was Wednesday, this week it is Friday. We are allowing God to guide us through the week. Each event that arises we pray and ask God if this will work. If we do not feel a sense of peace with it then we do not add it to the calendar. I have gone many years adding things to our calendar and in the end we are burnt out. I did not pray about it. I did not let Him guide us. I was guiding us.

Allowing Him to guide us has brought us many blessings. We are not overwhelmed by our calendar. We have learned to say no. We are not stressed. We have seen how well our life is going with Him leading us. We allow Him to lead us in so many different areas of our life, why not our daily schedules?

My hubby and I have looked over our calendar for the past couple of weeks and were surprised. I do not know why we were surprised because we serve an amazing God and He can do things beyond measure. When we were looking over the calendar we saw how well our work schedules worked together. There were days where my husband could bring the blessings to the Boys and Girls Club before he went to his second job and I would pick them up at their usual time when I was done with work. There were days were I had the opportunity to pick a six hour shift during the day and my husband had the day off from his main job. This allowed the blessings to still complete their schooling and have a parent home with them. There was a day where I was able to bring the blessings to a friend’s house for a few hours while I worked.

Our schedule works because we allow Him to guide us. We allow Him to tell us what shift to take, or not to take, or if adding our daughter’s drama practice to the calendar will be too much or not. As long as we keep our focus on Him with our daily schedules then we know our life will run smoothly. Less stress and more peace.

Are you allowing God to guide you in your daily schedules? If not, then may I suggest trying?

746. Spending a week with a dear friend before she moved out of state

747. The extra shifts hubby and I have been blessed with

748. God always providing for our needs

749. Our calendar, “Cali”

750. Long talks with the hubby that last until 2am

751. Unexpected cards from my secret sister

752. A clean kitchen

753. My first paycheck

754. Reading how my family helped another family in an emergency years ago, and the impact it still has on the family

755. Lasting friendships I made throughout our military life

Do not let the world dictate your schedule; allow Him to guide you…..


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