01 April 2013

The Feeling of Peace

This past week has been peaceful. I have had no feelings of any storms approaching. I have felt true peace. Something I have not felt for many months. God truly has sent us many blessings this past week. My heart is happy and is truly dancing within me.

I did not have school since last Tuesday and I have to say it is quite strange. Each day I feel I am forgetting to do something, but I know come Friday I will not be feeling like that since classes resume on Friday. We had an amazing week of homeschooling and I can see Him working. My two blessings are striving in the subjects that cause them grief.

I do not know what this week will bring but I do know that I am going to embrace each new day. I will praise Him always and lift my hands to Him. I will accept new blessing He sends my way. From the small blessing of having the dishes done to the largest blessing of waking up each morning. Moving forward is taking each new day and focusing on that day and not what lies ahead or behind.

521. An unexpected check in the mail

522. My daughter writing a letter to me and pouring her heart out to me

523. A clean home

524. A four day weekend for my hubby

525. Sunshine and the warmer weather

526. Dinner and fellowship with two older couples from our church

527. Listening to the older couple’s stories and the wisdom they hold

528. The many job opportunities becoming available for hubby

529. The Resurrection

530. Spending Easter at home with my husband and two blessings

May the feeling of peace continue for this week.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    So great to meet you. I found you on A Holy Experience. Isn't it awesome to be able to see the blessings now - that we count them.
    Janis Cox author of Tadeo Turtle www.janiscox.com



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