09 December 2013

I Keep Moving Forward

As we are coming up to the end 2013 I have been reflecting on this past year. I had a list of goals I wanted to complete and looking back I am not sure I completed one of them. This year has been nothing like I expected. We have been through many trials this year but my word for the year is “forward.” This word has reminded me throughout the year that I just need to keep going forward. Keep my focus on Him and move forward.

When this word was put on my heart at the beginning of the year I never thought it would help me get through the tough times this year. I was reminded that looking back does not help anything. Mistakes are made but dwelling on them does not help us move forward. I know people who are still living in the past and this causes strife in relationships that they have today. Looking in the past causes us to miss what God has for our future.

We need to move forward.

Moving forward allows us to become stronger. Allows us to learn from our mistakes, depend more on Him, and our maturity with Him grows stronger. Some days it is hard to roll out of bed let alone taking one step in front of the other. However, we are not alone. He will not forsake us. He will guide our steps and show us how moving forward will make us stronger. We will face storms. We will have trials. The enemy will get a foothold on us in some way. We will be on our knees during a battle. During all that, He will wrap His arms around us and help us move forward.

As we are ending the 2013 year I have seen my relationship with Him grow stronger. My faith has been tested many times this year and each time He reminds I am not alone. This year has been difficult and the beginning of 2014 may be rough but we have had many blessings during the struggles.

I would have missed the blessings if I did not keep moving forward…

766. Time spent with my mama and stepdad

767. A week of family time

768. Celebrating my daughter’s 13th birthday

769. My two blessings being able to spend the weekend with family back home

770. His peace

771. Traveling mercies

772. My secret sister

773. A new day

774. Receiving a pedicure with my mom and daughter

775. Our jobs

As we are ending 2013 and welcoming 2014 we need to remember to keep moving forward…



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