30 April 2013

No It's Not Monday But Had To Share

Yesterday I was so productive that I absolutely forgot to post my 1,000 gifts! I know today is Tuesday and usually post GratiTuesday, but God sent us so many blessings last week that I just need to share.

I am so thankful that God is giving us joy and peace after the six months that we were suffering the loss of loved ones. Each day I pray asking Him to help me continue with the joy and to embrace each new day He allows us to have. When our hearts are right with Him how easily we can accept joy and make it through the hard times.

I know a storm will come again. When? I do not know, but He does. I know that He has prepared me for the next one and I know leaning on Him will get us through. So I will continue praising Him during these good times and thank Him for the blessings He sends us.

556. The beautiful picture my in-laws sent us

557. Beautiful weather this past weekend

558. My productive day yesterday

559. Bike ride with my blessings before school starts

560. My newly groomed Manning dog

561. Sitting in the sun on our patio furniture

562. An organized and clean garage

563.  Watching my hubby play outside with the blessings without being in a lot of pain

564. Preparing for the hubby’s retirement ceremony

565. Accepting hubby’s retirement

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