28 October 2014

My Name Is

I read the words that came across the screen of my phone. “Jesus has already won this battle for you honey never let that devil defeat you. You are strong Barb and you are a child of the most high God. You can and will get through this.” Of course! Those words speak truth! A dear friend of mine sent me these words months ago when I was struggling. How could I forget the most important title I hold? Child of the Most High God.  

We hold many titles in our life. Some titles can be mother, father, wife, husband, friend, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, and the list continues. Titles exist everywhere. Eventually we can get lost within our titles and believe our titles make up our identity. I cannot tell you how many times I am called, “hey so and so’s mom!” My name no longer exists to the little people within the world. I am titled “so and so’s mom.” Mom. That is my title. This has been my title for over a decade. It is a title that I take very seriously. It is who I am. A mother. It has become my identity.

Sometimes our titles can be divorcee, widower, drug addict, alcoholic, smoker, abuser, and again the list continues. These titles are harder to hear and handle. Again, the titles become our identity. We believe this is who we truly are. We begin to feel lost. Defeated. Overwhelmed. We may feel like we are a lost cause. There is no hope for us. We believe these titles will always exist. It is who we are.

Can I tell you these titles do not even compare to the most important title you hold in your life?

Child of the Most High God. YOU ARE A CHILD OF A KING!

Yes, you the one who holds the hard titles. The one who has lost their true identity. The one walking lost within this world. Once we accept our title of a Child of the King, we begin to understand who we truly are within this world.

We begin to release the titles of this world. A divorcee, widow, drug addict, alcoholic and we begin to embrace our true title, Child of the King. This title is one that can never be taken from us because He has shed His blood for us. He has given us this title through His death. Now I say that is a pretty important title.

Do not accept the titles of this world. Accept the title your King has given you.

His Child.

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