09 January 2014

It Takes One Word

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The dog throws up. Your hair is a mess. You have not showered today because the baby will not stop crying. The toilet is overflowing because your three year old has decided to see how much toilet paper he could stuff in that hole at the bottom of the bowl. Your husband has called and he will be home late. The phone is ringing. The mailman is knocking on the door. You are still struggling with the words that were spoken during an argument with your best friend. You are still grieving over the loss of your mother.

You are at your limit.

You cannot take anymore.

You feel alone.

You pray.

You have been praying all day but you feel that is not enough. You know that you need more prayer. You know that you need others praying with you. You pick up your phone and send out a text message to your church ladies.

All you type is “pray.”

Within minutes you begin to feel peace. You begin to feel His arms wrapping around you. You already knew His arms were there but you feel that they are getting tighter. You begin to feel stronger not just physically but emotionally and spiritually.

You whisper, “thank you.”

We all struggle. We have hard days, weeks, months, or even years. Sometimes we feel so alone. God did not intend for us to deal with our struggles alone. He puts people in our paths to help us. Too pray for us. Too hold our hands as we cry. Too build us up when we are weak. Too encourage us.

Every Wednesday night I attend a mom’s class at our church. I find myself every week waiting for Wednesday and when Wednesday arrives 7pm cannot get here fast enough. I need this class. I need the women in this class. We have created a bond. We know our words spoken in that class stay in that class. We burst into laughter and sometimes even tears. We know that when we leave the class we are being prayed for during the week. We know that any struggles we deal with during the week we can send out a text message with just a single word, “pray.” We know that we have women praying over us no matter where they are. We are sisters. Sisters in Christ.

For those who do not have this available to them, do not fret. I know right now God has people in your path that you can send a message or a phone call to asking for prayer. Your group can consist of one to two people to ten people. Your group can be in the same neighborhood, town, city, state, or across the country. It does not matter where they are. The only thing that matters is that you have an encouraging uplifting support system.

Are you reading this and telling yourself you do not have anyone you can turn too? Do not fret. God knows who you need in your life. Pray. Ask Him to send you people.

If you need prayer, my email is listed in the contact section. It only takes one easy word, “pray.” I will pray for you. You do not have to give details if you do not want too. I want you to know that I will lift you up in prayer.

That’s what neighbors do!

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