25 March 2013

Moving Forward

I type. Then I delete everything I wrote. So I start over. I begin to type and find myself hitting delete, again. My words are so jumbled up inside. I have so much to say but the words will not come out. I want to tell you everything we have endured since the beginning of the New Year, but I guess today is not the time. Today, I am choosing to start my day looking forward. Looking back to the battles we just endured is not going to help me face today. I cannot keep looking back and saying "yes, we just experienced all this death, flooding of our home, struggles in my school, struggles with bills, and the unknowing of the upcoming retirement."  I cannot begin to heal if I continue to look back.

Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62

I am not saying I will never look back because the battles we just faced is a testimony. A testimony of His work. A testimony of the struggles we faced but continued to move forward. We have so much ahead of us that we will stumble if we do not look forward. We have so much to be thankful for. I will miss the blessings He will give us if I do not move forward. I cannot continue to look backwards and dwell on the battles. The battles have made me stronger. Will we face more battles? Of course. Each battle we face makes us stronger for the next battle.

Today, I begin to look forward.

Today, I will look for the blessings He has already given us and prepare for the blessings He still has for us.

Today, I choose to savor every moment I have with my family.

Today, I choose to be happy.

Today, I will not allow the past battles to take my happiness.

Today, I grow stronger.

Today, I begin to heal.

Today, I move forward.

511. A week with my nieces

512. Words of encouragement from those who love us

513. Prayers from those who have watched us go through the battles

514.  His Word that brought peace

515. The sound of my two blessings laughing, again

516. Two papers to write and I begin my Spring Break

517.  The patience my husband has for me

518. The warming temperatures

519.  Watching my son improving each day with his reading

520. Watching my 12 year old daughter be happy with who she is in a world that wants her to be someone else

Moving forward.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I am following you at Holy Experience. It is wonderful to meet you. Praying that as you look forward and live in today - you will see God's hand again and again. I know that as you look back you will see His blessings in all that you went through.
    Counting His Gifts,



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