07 January 2013

My Parenting Goals for 2013

We are a week into the New Year and I have been doing well with keeping with my goals. I know it's a week, but so far so good! I usually last until the third week of January and I start "forgetting" that I have goals set. This year I have done things differently. If you have missed my list of goals for 2013 click here. Last week I wrote about my Spiritual and Marriage goals, and today I will be writing about my parenting goals.
My children are growing up (I wish they would stay were they are at), which mean their needs are changing. My children are understanding more and more about how the world is around them. As a parent it is up to my husband and I to meet their needs. Of course with His help. It is very important to my husband and I to raise our children in a godly home. Yes, we make mistakes. Yes, we may argue or raise our voices. Yes, my husband and I are in debt. All this breaks His heart. It is how we deal with these situations that we are teaching our children to turn to God when we need help. It is up to us to show our children how it is to argue within a marriage. Ask forgiveness and say I love you. Apologize for raising our voice and ask for forgiveness. Show our children how we are breaking the chains of bondage called debt. We are showing them love just like God shows us His love.

"We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19

Daily devotional time.
The hubby and I have our devotional time and I thought it would be important to have one with my two blessings. We have Bible study time in school, but it is not really a devotional time. I would like to get on more of a personal level with the two blessings. I pray that God would bless me with showing my two blessings what it means to study His Word and to show them what it is like to have a relationship with Him.

Daily prayer time.
We say our evening prayers and bless our food, but we never start our day in prayer. I should say that we do say a prayer before school starts, but not before our day starts. I believe that it is important to show the two blessings that prayer is important and it plays a huge part in our life.

Bake one item a week.
My two blessings love to bake. What kid doesn't? Baking with the children will benefit us in some many ways. For one, we will have a yummy item to eat. Two, it is a math lesson, but do not tell them. Three, we are able to make memories.

Play games.
I need to stop and take a break at times. I try to play a board game or card game with the two as much as I can, but I know I could do better in this area. Playing games not only creates memories or brings enjoyment, but it brings our family together.

More one-on-one time.
I want to spend more time with each child alone. One-on-one time allows us to discuss things the other may not want to share with his or her sibling. Or even his or her dad. It makes our relationship stronger and the two blessings will know that I am here for them. 

Weekly notes.
I want to leave weekly notes to my two blessings letting them know what I love about them. It is important that my children know they are special and they have characteristics that I love about them. God created them in His image and I want them to know that.

Do you have any parenting goals set?


  1. I am the same and will never miss Daily devotional time. thanks so much for the share. parentinghow.com/

  2. I too have vowed to have daily devotionals with my children. Bible study in school and at church are great but I have realized that raising a child who sincerely loves and serves God begins at home. I want my children to feel and understand that time with God is a high priority at home. Thanks for sharing your resolutions!



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