10 January 2013

Blogging and Personal Goals for 2013

I almost done writing my goals in detail for you. I am so blessed that God has done this for me. As a list maker I love seeing my goals on paper and in detail. I am also a detailed orientated person so this is totally working for me. I feel that I am not set up for success and not failure. I have God leading me; nothing is impossible for Him. If you missed yesterday's goals you can click here. If you would like to see my overall list of goals, click here. Today, I am going to be discussing my blogging and personal goals.

I love blogging! I really do. I love my readers and I thank God for you each and everyday. I love reading your comments, visiting your blogs (if you have one), and the interaction we have on TFN's Facebook page. You all are truly blessings to me.

One thing that I realize I do is write for months and then I stop. I asked myself "why do I do that?" I love blogging. So why stop? God showed me the reason. I do not plan ahead. I do not write out a schedule of posts that I want to write. I would normally sit at the computer and think "hmmm what should I write today." Sometimes it would work, but many times it did not. Now I did not do that all the time because if a thought came to mind I would begin typing up a draft on my phone. I did not like how I was doing this type of "planning." This year I started writing out what posts I want to write and on what day. I have also typed in my phone what posts I would like in the future. I am loving this organization!

Be more consistent.
As I just explained. I can do this and I WILL.  I have realized that it is so unfair to my readers. I have readers who stop by each day to read what I have written. It is unfair if they stop by and there is nothing there for a couple months. No explanation on why I haven't written. Just nothing. So I am apologizing my selfishness in this area.

Post five to six days a week.
My goal is to post at least five to six days a week. I will not post on Sunday unless I have a post already written and scheduled. I believe that it would be my menus for the following week. Otherwise I will be posting Monday to Friday or Saturday.

Schedule posts ahead of time.
I have started doing this since around CHRISTmas and oh my goodness what a difference this is making! Yes, my "aha moment."  Who would have thought? I know. Hello, common sense. My goal is to have a week's worth of posts scheduled in advance. At this moment I am anywhere from writing the posts the morning of the posting or two to three days in advance.

More traffic.
My goal is bring more traffic. I love my readers! I would love to share my words with more people. I love meeting new people and hearing their suggestions on saving money or hearing what God is doing in their life. Can you help me with this? Ahh thank you my neighbors!

Now onto my personal goals.

I love to read. As a kid I use to have my nose in the book all the time. Once I became a mom that slowly started to dwindle. I want to pick this little desire back up. When I attend school I tell myself that I do not have time because my school reading takes over. This is not true. I have to make the time. My goal is to read one non-school book a month. I would like to read more then one but right now I am planning on one. (As I am typing this I am on my second book for January and it is only the second week!)

New meals.
I want to cook four new meals a month. It equals out to about one meal a week. When I was making our menus I started noticing that we were eating the same thing over and over again. I want to introduce a new meal each week. See if I can find a new favorite within our family. I will use Pinterest for many of the new recipes, our church's cookbook, my neighbors' recipes from the Facebook page, or from friends.

Organize the storage area.
We have a storage area in our basement. Right now it looks organized but do not let it deceive you. We have boxes from 2004 when we moved from Minnesota to England! We need to go through these and get rid of the items we can. We have purged these items before we need to get aggressive with it. We will have our keep, throw away, donate, and sell box all ready to go.

Home binder.
I have a wonderful home binder that some amazing women in the MOPS group made me back in 2009, for working the nursery. I just love it! I just wish I would use it more. I use for certain things, but I want to use it even more. I will be setting it up this month and organizing it. I started it last week but I am not liking how I have it. So I will be re-organizing it again to get it where I like it. I will keep recipes in here, phone numbers and addresses, important dates, our debt goals, and other household items that are of importance. Once it is all complete I will be sharing it with you all.

Tomorrow I will be sharing my health and fitness goals with you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always looking for new meal ideas too. I've found a handful on Pinterest that both my husband and I really love. Right before I make the meal I tell myself I'm going to take a picture of the finished product and blog the recipe to share... but then I forget till I eat it all. ;) I'm going to try to do better with that.

    I have a really hard time reading during the school semester. Not that I don't have time to read because of school (I use that excuse for working out haha) but if I get into a book I know I won't put it down till its over. My homework will just be waiting for me to start it. Then I'll pick up another non-school bool... the cycle will go on and on.

    Looking forward to your next post.




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