03 January 2012


I believe the worse part of moving is the stage of turning our house over to the housing office, and staying in a hotel.  We usually stay in our home up until the day we leave, so we do not have to pay for a hotel and eating out.  This move was no different, until the first night in our home sleeping on an air mattress hurt my hubby's back.  We then made the decision to move into the hotel for the last 11 days of our stay in Alaska.  Obviously, the health and well-being of my husband is more important than trying to save some dollars.       

I am so grateful that the Army will reimburse us 10 of the 11 days of staying in a hotel.  The best part is that we receive per diem for those 10 days as well, which it turn pretty much covers the one night the Army did not.  ALSO, we will have the money prior to departing Alaska.  Ummmm, hello blessing!

We are staying at the hotel on base, and it is pretty nice.  It consists of a little kitchenette, which helps cut down on the eating out costs, a pull-out couch for the kids, and a bedroom for us adults.  This is a huge blessing compared to staying in a regular hotel room, that we did when we arrived in Alaska. Helps our sanity.

I am so grateful that God is in charge!
For more GratiTuesday jump on over to Heavenly Homemakers.


  1. And it is right by the commissary :)

  2. ...and the bowling alley...and the px! Good location for sure.

  3. Yes it is a great location! After we moved into hotel, we went straight to commissary ;)



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