22 January 2014

No More Excuses

As like many other people in this world, one of my goals for the year is to lose weight, but also to get physically strong. I have gained over 40 pounds since 2009. Most of that was during our time in Alaska. I used the excuse it was just too cold to go to the gym. I found every excuse in the book not to workout. It is too dark to workout. We have basketball practice tonight. Ballet is starting in a couple hours so I cannot possibly complete a 20 minute workout and still have time to get ready. Homeschool lasted too long today. Nothing but excuses.

The excuses have followed me here to Wisconsin. They could have just stayed in Alaska but no they needed to follow me here. I knew what my excuses were and I needed to figure out a way to overcome these excuses. I needed motivation. I needed to figure out how to workout at home so I could not find excuses. So I did.

I already had a treadmill so it was finding other items I needed. I knew what I wanted and needed to get myself motivated. My hubby is awesome and went on Craigslist looking for the items I wanted and also checked yard sales. We were able to purchase a weight bench that not only allowed me to bench press but also work my legs as well. We also purchased kettle bells, a roman chair, a bosu ball, an aerobic stair step, dumbbells at various weights, a large tractor tire, and bands. My workout area is well equipped that I really do not need to go to the gym. No excuses, right?


I have an excellent support system at home. My husband is amazing and supports me. This man has never once complained or rolled his eyes when I tell him I am starting a new “fad diet” or “tomorrow I am back on track.” He always tells me whatever I decide, he will support me. My children are right there beside me as I workout. Pushing me to keep going. No excuses, right?


I have found it is more than just getting the right workout equipment or having a strong support system. It is more than just setting up a home gym area and expecting results. It goes deeper than that. I always ask myself what is my problem. Why can I not get motivated and why do I eat bad foods all the time? I have gone to prayer over this. I have asked God to reveal to me how to fix this.

What is my issue?

Excuses. Comfort. Guilt. Complaining. No motivation. Those are my top five reasons. I make excuses, turn to food for comfort, I feel guilty, I complain about my body, and yet have no motivation to change it. The only way I can change is by: praying for His strength and like Nike says, just do it. Changes are not going to occur with me whining, crying, and complaining. I need to stop my pity parties and stick to what works for me. The other thing I need to stop doing is quitting. I start and then I always quit. I am a quitter. I admit it. Quitting is not going to give me the results I want.

I need to remind myself that slow and steady wins the race. I know it takes time. Truly I do, but what I do during that time is important. Choosing the right foods, drinking water, working out, and focusing on Him are the things that are going to help me win this race I am running. I want to honor God with the temple He has given me. I know that I am not doing that when I am stuffing my face and overindulging. Gluttony is a sin too. I fail to realize that at times but it is.

No more quitting.

It is time to restore this temple God has created.


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