31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012

2012 was a very interesting year for my family. God had big plans for us and I never thought He would lead us through what He led us through.  If you told me last July what my family would experience in 2012, I would have looked at you crazy and said "okay, sure." 

Let's begin at the beginning....

January 8th- we leave Alaska for our new destination....Wisconsin.  During this travel we encountered a blizzard in the Canadian Rockies, where we almost went off the cliff and with God's grace and guidance we made it out safely.
Should have been our first sign, but we had nowhere to stop to wait for it to pass.
January 13th- we arrive to my parents home in northern Wisconsin.  We spend a couple days here and my two blessings stay with the family while the hubby and I travel south to sign for our new house.

Late January- The hubby and I sign for our new house and then travel down to Missouri to pick up our second vehicle. Then we travel back up north to spend about a week or so with family. Our little Manning was staying with my brother and became very homesick that we decided to head down to our new home so we can all be together.

February 6th- we receive our household goods. We unpack our home and begin our new life and adventure in Wisconsin. We found our home church. Met new friends. Took in the farm air (still cannot get use to it). 

End of March- we decide to maybe start looking into buying our first house. We trade in my baby Nissan Armada for a more economical car because we could not afford the Nissan and a house payment. That is if we were going to purchase our first home.

May 21st- we received the keys to our first home. I should say our dream home. We absolutely love our home and say it daily.

July 1st- we head to Wisconsin Dells to celebrate little man's 8th birthday!
Little man worn out on his birthday
August 11th- hubby and I received a phone call that his biological dad does not look like he is going to make it through the night.

August 12th- we leave for Indiana. God grants us the blessing of seeing my father in law before Jesus comes to take him home. Sadly he was unresponsive, but one could tell he knew we were there.
Little man, hubby, and father-in-law
August 16th- we bury my father in law.

We arrive home emotionally and physically exhausted. After a couple of weeks we begin to get back to "normal."  Our routine begins. School. Work. Church.

Labor Day Weekend- we head up north to spend the weekend with my family. During this trip we find out that my hubby's aunt had a massive heart attack and is on life-support. We also receive a phone call on our way home, that my husband's guardian (whom raised him from birth) was not going to make it through the night.

We arrive home to wash clothes and head out to Indiana that evening. By early Tuesday morning we arrive at the hospital.  We spent about five days there and came home. God decided that time was not her time. She pulled through. During this time we did go to his aunt's wake, who did pass.

September 18th- My husband's guardian had passed. 

September 19th- I travel north to bring our blessings to spend their time with family, while the husband and I travel back to Indiana.

September 22nd- we bury my husband's guardian.

October 7th- my husband's nephew, his wife, and his two children move in with us for a short time.

October 15th- I found out I won a full scholarship to earn my Bachelor's degree.

November 19th-my birthday and our house guest move out.

November 22nd- Thanksgiving

December 6th- Our daughter turns 12!

December 21st- my mom and stepdad arrive.

December 21st-24th- we spend an early Christmas with my brother and his family.

December 24th- we travel south to our home.

December 25th-today- we spend our last few days with my mom and stepdad.

So in a quick wrap-up my family has moved cross-country, bought our first house, three funerals, birth of a new niece, another niece or nephew on the way, house guest, holidays, excitement of a full-ride scholarship, and spending Christmas with my family. Let's not forget the two blessings had school, hubby had work, hubby had surgery, hubby still receiving treatment for his injuries, and I continue working as a stay at home mommy.

2012 was definitely a roller coaster ride and I am curious to see what God has in store for us for 2013.

Source: fotolia.com via Peach on Pinterest


  1. Wow - what a year!! Ours, too, was full of ups and downs and how thankful I am that God was right there beside us all the way.

    Happy New Year!

    1. It was a crazy year I know 2013 will be a challenge as well, but He is in control :)
      Happy New Year!



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