30 March 2011

I Can Do All Things

I often hear from friends and family that I am strong person, and I know they are not referring to physically strength.  I face many struggles in life especially with an upcoming deployment approaching quickly.  I know that I cannot face this new struggle alone so many times a day I repeat Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

I know that with His strength, His guidance, His wisdom, and His love I will get through any trial that I am facing.  Yes, my husband will be gone for a year. Yes, I will become mom and now dad. Yes, I will continue to  homeschool my children.  Yes, I will continue to further my own education.  Yes, I will continue on with my daily routine called life.  Yes, I will get through it because He is right here with me with His arms wrapped around me.

So life throws us curve balls but He is there offering us strength.
For more Mustard Seed Planting jump on over to Mom's Mustard Seeds.


  1. YES! All things through Him! He is the Alpha and Omega and from him and through him all things were made! Love your post! Thank you so much for joining us today!

  2. Love this truth. It's the only way we can get through the difficult times, that's for sure.

  3. I love that verse! It's the only way I make it through most days, and I need it today more than ever!

    Thank you.


    (P.S. Saying a prayer for you and your family right now. Thank you for your sacrifice and willingness to serve.)

  4. What a great verse - and one that I often find myself repeating over and over and over!!

    Blessings to you this day - and thank you so very much for all that your family does to keep us safe!

  5. Army wife stuff...it is hard. I can't imagine this gig without God as my fortress.

    Sometimes I just have to remember thank God for my man, combat boots and all!

    Praying for you!!!



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