01 June 2010

WFMW~Summer Boredom

Summer is fast approaching and the one thing I tend to hear my children say is "I'm booooored."  Well, I have recently started with my children is if I hear them say "I am bored" they are given some cleaner and a rag and they are to start cleaning the bathrooms or whatever else I can find.  I have noticed that they will stop mid-sentence and say "oh never mind, can I go outside?"  To be honest, I love it!  There is always something to do around here especially with us being in the process of moving.

However, I do have plans for my children besides just cleaning.  They will participate in VBS, their Tae Kwon Do, summer sports, school, and our homeschool summer play group.  With us only have three months of beautiful weather and A LOT of daylight I want to use every minute that we can.  We will also be going on a lot of bike rides, some hiking, and spending some time at the lake.  I know it sounds like a lot but we can rest during the winter months. 

What are your plans to help with summer boredom???

For more WFMW Summer edition jump on over to We Are That Family.

1 comment:

  1. That's something I also do with my children - delegate chores if I hear "I'm bored!" It definitely cuts down on the complaints!



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